Sunday, March 8, 2009


...i'm really sorry...


anumz sarah said...

Show those jumpin' picture. I'm jumping to see it.^^ LOL!

Mardhiyah said...

tak pegi lah hanum.. im very sad :((

badruddin said...


Mardhiyah said...

huhuhu... sbb x jd join lompat tali utk jantung.. pnye smgt nk gi tbe2 de hal plak en. tp sy fhm,, ade hikmah disebaliknya.. sy oerlu sabar,..

anumz sarah said...


Takpe2. Allah ada ketentuanNya. Cuma kita kene belajar utk terima. Aja2 supermar!!

It is often at this time when both of the kids are asleep and usually I'l spend a moment watching them sleep and today,just now, natural...