Monday, June 22, 2009

or else

hello blog here i am again feeling nothing but everything. HAHA.

final exam for peripheral nervous system and its pharmacotherapeutics is over! alhamdulillah. it was allright i guess but the thing is there were 4 questions and each worth 20 marks. doubts overcoming when my answer is only roughly a page long for each question. im not sure whether my answers fit the scheme. i would really like to hope so! O God please help me on this one. -_-;

time for proper rest! i havent been sleeping enough for the last few days. i look like a zombie even my dad says so. oh talking about dad, happy father's day! luv you ayah. i may not show it outside but really deep inside here i do.

days until APPS : 4
days until registration at puncak alam : 13


izzati said...

i like ur countdown..haaha

Mardhiyah said...

haha. countdown biase je! agak tak saba sebenanye ;)

It is often at this time when both of the kids are asleep and usually I'l spend a moment watching them sleep and today,just now, natural...