It started back in year 2005. I was wandering about in the cold winter in the heart of birmingham city, union street they call it, i cant remember, but i think it was near to bull ring. a store bearing the name WHSmith attracted me with so much attention, I just had to came in there everytime i went to the city. not only it had levels of books on sale but also a cafe in the middle of the store (i think u had to go to level 3 to reach the cafe)!!! it was just sooooo coool to be able to just sit down and relax with a light book down in your hand. And also a light chit chat with your friends, it seems like a cool atmosphere, only certain people would understand..
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."so anyway, i was doing my retail RET530 assignment, and as i was doing it, my mind wanders off in this imaginary bookstore cafĂ© we were working on. iits about love, its about compassion, i cant help feeling excited and planning to really open one, maybe in the next 3 or four years. (i just wished i had the time) insyaAllah. i have a theme in mind and everything is picked out and i know how i want it set up and everything but i really have no idea how to start a small business.. it will have a sense of warmth, cozy and comfort, light brunches, tea/coffee pastries..along with smooth music playing softly in the background… now thats what I'm talking about…it would be a great place to meet, greet and feed; not only the mind but the soul, CEWAH~ (boleh jadi tagline kedai ni haha)
- Winston Churchill
hanum, jom !! sape lg mau jadi business partner? hehehe
saya mahu.tolong jaga cashier and supply cheese cake!
mau tolong beli. haha
zatiiii... it wud be such a greattt idea with your cheesecakeeee.. i loveeeee!!
bad> haha.. tlg belikan tapak boley?
Mar,you're such a dear.
<3 it. Agreed partner!! Great place to meet,greet and feed. InsyaAllah...
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