Monday, August 2, 2010

1 unread

I'm currently at DK-10 watching a group of colleagues presenting their CBL cases on cardiac failure & anemia. And at the same time, I'm waiting for the next lecture which is pharmacokinetics lecture, uhh, more calculations... I'm pretty bad in math so numbers arent really my favored circumstances. But hey, im still trying my best to be interested,enough for me to take everything in..

They are presenting a case which is also my case, but I'm going to present it tomorrow, so I gotta pay more attention


Okay done, it looks like I gotta alter a bit, add more to my presentation slide.. This patient had cardiac failure, low Hgb count, low MCV, leg pain, COPD, smokes and drinks and on various kind of medication and we're supposed to identify any drug-related problems and to resolve them if there is any and it happened that this patient requires some interferences from the pharmacist. Ermmm, enough of this medical talk, I guess it has a high probability of rising boredomness among you readers I guess I'm just trying to tell you people that being a pharmacist is not solely on giving out instructions on medications at the counter but to also decide whether a drug or medication is properly indicated with the appropriate dosage, appropriate route of administration and other kind of appropriateness. We have to look on the drug-drug interaction, drug-disease interaction, adverse events, side effects, patient counselling and bladibla.. So what I meant to emphasize is that pharmacists have a BIG role in health care.



It's nearly 1pm. No lunch as I'm fasting sunat. Just to let my tummy practice not to get used to having foods hoho.. I fasted for 4 days last week, the first few days I think I was hypoglycemic.Ish3. Oh yeah, my head throbbed like mad, it was unilateral and I'm intolerant to any kind of caffeine so I've self-diagnosed myself with a migraine T_T Takmauuuuuu uuuu !


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It is often at this time when both of the kids are asleep and usually I'l spend a moment watching them sleep and today,just now, natural...