Monday, October 17, 2011

Pre Convo: A mental state

I should have written this hours ago, when the ideas were fresh, now everything seems to be all jumbled up but anyhow, here I am, back in the embrace of Mr Blog. 

I havent been really productive lately. Which is why I am mad at myself, which is why I am writing this post. BUt im not going to fill up the entry with hatred, Ive already cried till my nose is blocked. #notetoself : it is okay to cry, it takes the sad out of you. brings in a brand new strength. My eyes needed a good wash anyway. Okay, lame excuse. 

Days before today were awesome. Met my (ex) housemates back during the collection of our convo robe at DATC, UiTM Shah Alam. The idea of collecting the robe wasnt as thrilling and exciting as meeting them. There were sooo much to tell, so muchh to talk about soo much to discuss. I'm elated. Overjoyed. And insert more descriptive synonyms here. 

Trying out the convo robe. Mine too big for meh but XS is the smallest size @_@"

Skittles! Thank you @mselizabethia

We went for our graduation photoshoot on that day, right under the blazing hot glaring sun shine that rips off the moisture off your flesh (two bottles of water per head needed along the way) and also not forgetting the sunburnt skin. Dang. I just hope the outcome is worth all the sweat.  

I just love the neon like colours in this picture. 

Twas nice seeing you all back, long hours of talk at my place, in the car, at subang parade, at our favourite Murni Discovery, at imah's house, at Ah Pek Kopitiam the following morning.. It's just so freaking awesome even awesome is an understatement. Cant wait for this Saturday! My big day! Convocation! Not that Im excited that I have finally graduated, but im excited to meet these lovelies again.. 

Talking about my lack of excitement, yep. I'm not excited. I feel naught, to be honest. I dont know why. Maybe the excitement has been killed by something more thought-provoking. And what is that? *drum rolls* 



If money can be earned through patience, I'd be rich by now. 


diyah_Noh said...

kepala i x muat pakai mortarboard T_T

eesyaheera said...

Syoknyaaaa jumpa balik kawan-kawan kan?

It is often at this time when both of the kids are asleep and usually I'l spend a moment watching them sleep and today,just now, natural...