Friday, April 8, 2011

Hell on earth

When something is so complicated, what do you do?
Do you go angry at that thing for being so complicated that you couldn't figure it out? Do you go around and say: "You are too complicated, it is your fault. I wont waste my time anymore with you" ?
Funny are those with simplistic minds. Something so big can't be fit into something so small. Open up! I want to be free of my ideals. Let them guide me but careful not to be trapped by them.

If in my line of work I adhere to this line of thinking, I'd quit in no time. Abstract and complex situations in nature won't bow to old concepts. Everyday is a challenge, don't let your mind trap you into thinking that something should follow a predetermined set of rules: "It is supposed to like this, suppose to be like that, shouldn't be like this, shouldn't act like that...yada yada yada"
Remember, you are just one insignificant person: you can not thrust your ideals into someone else because what you consider right might not be so for other. Don't be so egoistic. Do not be afraid of change. The world won't stop just because you can't catch up.

Celebrate the differences in each of us because that is what makes each of us unique. I won't change myself for your sake.Dynamics is the order of the world. Everything moves in motion. Change is the only constant.

...And then we wait.

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It is often at this time when both of the kids are asleep and usually I'l spend a moment watching them sleep and today,just now, natural...