Monday, May 16, 2011

Stale being stagnant

I decided today that I am tired of waiting for things to happen. I think to increase the probability of something happening, we actually have to force and put ourselves into the situation. Yes, in the back of my mind I think my life is a little boring. Boring, as in stagnant. Like the lake. And I just can't stand it any longer. I want to flow like the river so today I let everything out, spoke my mind instead of waiting for it to resolve on its own. And alhamdulillah, it worked out well in the end. No longer have to hope, because faith is nearby. I mean, hope is good, in a way. But it sure drains you out...




Looking into another part of my life, I want to find my potential, put the seed under the sun and rain so that it'll grow into full bloom..

That is why I am taking the little but sure steps towards change. For me I get sick of waiting around pretending it doesn't hurt. I don't think that one person can change your whole life just like that, you have to do most of the work yourself. Well, it is after all my life. I cant wait around for something that is hidden in the days to come. If it comes one fine day knocking on your door, just let it in. Until then, fill in your minutes and seconds with memories that will sustain you.

Sick of all the insincere is true. I only have time for the real thing. So if you want to join me, I really appreciate the company.

Oh and have I mentioned yet? I have got a new toy to fill my stagnant times : a sewing machine. How cool? Ive always wanted to be able to sew my own baju kurung, dresses, skirts and blouses, and this holiday, I wanna make that dream a reality :)

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It is often at this time when both of the kids are asleep and usually I'l spend a moment watching them sleep and today,just now, natural...