Friday, January 2, 2009

this is my reason

So, do you know why i dont celebrate new year?

why am i feeling so blardy frustrated

so upset

and feeling like wanting to cry but nothing really came out from these eyes?

this is why. be warned, but these are for real. *cries*

dont let this dishearten you. please pray for them, thats the least we can do to help. alhamdulillah, compared to our bro and sis in gaza, we have a lot more to be grateful than we can imagine. count your blessings, ppl. dont forget to pray for them.. please....

"Ya ALLAH kami hamba MU yang kerdil lagi tidak mempunyai apa-apa, apa yang kami miliki hanya lah bersifat sementara iaitu pinjaman dari MU. Kami berdoa dan merayu kepada MU agar diberi kekuatan kesabaran, kekuatan keimanan kepada saudara-saudara kami di Palestin dalam berjuang mempertahankan negara dan agama suci Islam.

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It is often at this time when both of the kids are asleep and usually I'l spend a moment watching them sleep and today,just now, natural...